Through project JAFLE the following results are expected:
1st Project Result
Research Report and Recommendation
All partners will develop a research report, in order to map the size and reason for the deficiencies in education programs related to Financial Literacy and entrepreneurship. It aims to design the training methods that the educators will give to the target group and to adapt them to the learning style by using hybrid activities called didactic approach.
2nd Project Result
Financial Literacy Training Program Including Digital Literacy and Entrepreneurship
The aim of this result is to create an innovative training program that includes a blended training method that will facilitate the learning of adults as well as enriching existing Financial Literacy trainings with digital literacy and entrepreneurship.
3rd Project Result
The JAFLE e-Learning Platform
The aim of this result is to create an Open Education Resource including an e-Learning platform that will be used as a learning tool in the framework of JAFLE for spreading knowledge on the one hand and training on the other. The platform will be based on a learning management system, using and creating innovative features.
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